If you are not from Ireland, then this post will be of little interest. I was today tidying up my house in Wimbledon in preparation for the many people coming to stay during the upcoming championships. My house becomes like a hotel for the two weeks. In the cleanup I came across an album with some interesting photos from the residential tennis camps that I ran in the mid 80s.

I shared one photo with my good friend Morgan Buckley, who worked at the camp in 1987 and who went on to be Director of Development for the IRB, the international rugby board. He encouraged me to share the photos on social media as they really are like a who’s who of Irish tennis.

The photos below include so many people who worked as coaches at the camp and that then went on to play International tennis for Ireland and who became very successful in their respective future professions. I am sure it will be a lot of fun for people in Irish tennis today to try to recognise the people in the photos 30+ years later.

The photos brought back to Morgan and myself so many incredible memories and I am privileged that these people were part of my coaching team then and happy that they remain great friends today.
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